Change the button label in "Update Symbols" window

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Change the button label in "Update Symbols" window

Post by dasz »

Once I press "Update" in the "Update Symbols" and the download is successful - I'd change "Cancel" button label to "Close" :)
Cancel somehow feel internally as if I'd rollback the update I just did.
"Close" would make more sense - but only after update is successful. Perhaps it's worts also hiding the "Update" button upon successful download?

Just a little idea.
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Re: Change the button label in "Update Symbols" window

Post by Khan »

This was something I wanted to report as well but thought that it was a minor issue, but you are right.
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Re: Change the button label in "Update Symbols" window

Post by NakedMarkets »

Thanks for your report. Indeed, you are right, it makes more sense to change the label button when the update is done.
Since it is a minor change, we will include it in the next release
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Re: Change the button label in "Update Symbols" window

Post by Admin »

This feature has been added in the last update.
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