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Permanent crosshair

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:38 pm
by dasz
I'd like to suggest a feature known from many plantforms, TV included.
I'd like to be able to decide cursor being a cursor or crosshair - so it doesn't change back itself.

Currently - when you select crosshair - it turns back to normal cursor once you press right mouse button or when you select any of the graphical elements like Segment, trendline etc.

I'd suggest adding a new menu section (on the toolbar) where Cursor is selected by default, but you could also change it to crosshair.

Re: Permanent crosshair

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:55 am
by NakedMarkets

Thanks for your suggestion. Yes, it's planned among the TradingView features.
Since having exactly the same interface as TradingView is a lot of work, we include incrementally new features. And the cursor/crosshair/dot/eraser is one of them.
It's planned to have the same menu as the TradingView one as well.