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File gets erased on Windows update

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:53 pm
by TradingHeroes

I noticed that when I update Windows, a file gets erased and NM doesn't work anymore. When I run the installer to repair, it says that the program is already installed on another computer.
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Screen Shot 2022-10-06 at 1.17.07 AM.png (136.56 KiB) Viewed 783 times

Re: File gets erased on Windows update

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:36 am
by Admin

Thanks for this bug identification. We are aware of this kind of issue.
In fact, this is not related to a file deletion. This error can be displayed when NakedMarkets is not able to identify your registered device.
This can happen when a Windows or Parallel Update has occured for example.
In this case, you can send us an email to reset your license key and be able to install it again.
This can be annoying because we can't know if a new operating system update can change some internal components, used by NakedMarkets to identify the software.
If this becomes a reccuring problem, we will change the way it works to avoid such kind of annoyance.

Overall, we advise to not use the "repair" feature of the installer but uninstall, and install again. This is applicable for every software.