Switching to another symbol on the chart

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Tomasz Kot
Posts: 73
Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:09 pm

Switching to another symbol on the chart

Post by Tomasz Kot »

Could there be a possibility to change a symbol on a backtest chart (the same way as you change timeframe)?
(Even if there would be loading screen for a while, it is not a problem).

Usercase 1:
I have my backtest configured for a given symbol, all the chart windows in place (size and positioning), with individual indicators on them.
I would like to do similar (manual) backtest for another symbol.
To do so, currently I need to add and configure new symbol windows and charts from the beginning all the same way as previous symbol.

Usercase 2:
During backtest I want to switch to another (correlated) symbol for a while.
I would prefer not to add another window, with another chart and configure it (indicators, window size and positioning), just to switch the chart to another symbol.
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Re: Switching to another symbol on the chart

Post by NakedMarkets »

Thanks again for your suggestions,
However, changing the symbol of the chart directly does not seem very interesting because, you still will need 1-2 clicks to do it and opening a new chart needs 2 clicks as well.
About the indicators and the charts properties, you can save these in a template and apply the template to save time have the same chart with another symbol.

But we understand your request about the windows size and positioning. Maybe the solution would be to implement new multiple windows layouts ?
Currently, if you click on the "Window" menu, you can set all the windows by tile horizontally or vertically. Maybe we can create other layouts (like under Tradingview) to save time for window positioning and sizing when a user adds a new chart ?
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Re: Switching to another symbol on the chart

Post by Khan »

New multiple window layouts which we can save sounds good!
Tomasz Kot
Posts: 73
Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:09 pm

Re: Switching to another symbol on the chart

Post by Tomasz Kot »

Yes, window layouts would be a very good idea.

And just as a practical feedback about changing the symbol - currently it is a little bit more hassle then mentioned two clicks.
I usually have 5-6 charts on the screen, so each of below steps has to be done 5-6 times:
- adding each chart (btw impossible if it was not selected during backtest start as additional symbol),
- repositioning each window,
- entering properties and selecting template for each chart.

If direct switching of chart symbol was possible, it would make the above scenarios much easier.
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