Session indicator showing inccorect time windows

Tomasz Kot
Posts: 73
Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:09 pm

Re: Session indicator showing inccorect time windows

Post by Tomasz Kot »

"In fact, the data benefits from the values with the DST shifting automatically. So when a DST shift occurs, it is transparent in the data."

To be honest, I am not sure what exactly you mean here.
I would like to go to correct London opening and NY opening using GoTo function (secondarily also see correct openings with session indicator).
Can the program manage session openings correctly, taking into consideration daylight savings? (my local time doesn't matter I just need correct London and NY openings based on their local times).

Or maybe when I make a backtest accross the year, I need to:
- google which date NY and which date London local times change in given year (both for summer=>winter and winter=>summer changes),
- wait for those 4 exact dates to happen during backtest and change session opening time manually,
- repeat these changes 4x each year.
I hope I am wrong and that it is not the case.
If the above was true, the program update giving correct session openings would be much needed.
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Re: Session indicator showing inccorect time windows

Post by NakedMarkets »

First, the program manages session openings correctly, like other backtesting softwares.
The GoTo feature and the session indicator are working properly, as intended.

If you click on the "Customize settings" button of the GoTo feature, you will see that you can set _statically_ the hour of each session. So, it will be always the same, no matter the DST. For information, FxReplay works the same way since this feature comes from it.
About the session indicator, this is the same. If you take the most popular session indicators under TradingView, they use _static_ definitions of hour sessions. Some of them can use the DST dynamically.
So, this is standard behavior and it works properly. And it allows to change the hour by the user as he wants.

Now, apparently, you'd like to have _dynamic_ calculation of the trading sessions, taking in account the DST. In this case, we could design another trading sessions indicator, or add an option to calculate the session with the DST shift. And we could add an option for the GoTo feature, a checkbox, to take in account the DST shift but in this case, the users will no longer be able to customize the hour of the session, since it's calculated automatically.

About your backtest accross the year, you don't need to go to Google to find the DST shifts, it's always at the same period.
- Europe/London session DST : last sunday of march and last sunday of October
- New-York session DST : 2nd sunday of march and first sunday of November (next sunday after the Europe/London session shift)
And changing session opening time on the indicator takes almost 4 clicks.
We agree that it could be more convenient by calculating the DST shift automatically, but this is not time-consuming and can be done quickly
Tomasz Kot
Posts: 73
Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:09 pm

Re: Session indicator showing inccorect time windows

Post by Tomasz Kot »

Thank you for your reply.
If you could implement a checkbox (for GoTo feature and sessions indicator) that manages DST dynamically in the way that you described it,
it would be much appreciated.

If you decide to do that, I would suggest to still give the user possibility to decide when (London local time and NY local time) the sessions starts. That is because some users probably would like to start pre-market (e.g. an hour before) with DST calculation automatically included.
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