[TradingView] Multiple Bugs

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[TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by Khan »

First off, let me tell you that what you've done with the TV UI is great! Well done!

As expected, there are some bugs with the TV implementation:
  1. When you create a new backtest and then load your template from chart settings, they get applied to the chart correctly, but the settings dialog isn't refreshed i.e. it still displays the old settings.

    You have to close and reopen chart settings to see updated values.
  2. When the mouse hovers over the chart where there are multiple chart objects close together, all of their handles become visible. This is the intended behavior.

    However, once you click on an object and select it, the handles on other objects stay visible. This should not happen; all of them should disappear.

    To fix this, you have to click on those objects one by one and click on an empty area of a chart to make the handles disappear.
  3. During a manual backtest when we step forward or when we change the time frame the chart snaps back to the right, just like MetaTrader - the leftmost bar on the chart has a fixed distance from the right.

    TradingView lets us put the chart wherever we want on the screen and doesn't move it when there is a new tick or when we change the time frame.
  4. Time format on the time axis of the chart is wrong. It shows "4:15" but we cannot tell whether it is 04:15 or 16:15.

    Chart Settings -> Scales -> "Time hours format" setting has no effect.

    This bug is also on the MetaTrader UI and has been there in the previous versions, too.

    In addition to that, "Day of the week on labels" has no effect that I can see.
  5. When you have Crosshair Tool active and you right click on the chart, the settings menu opens as expected, but the Crosshair Tool gets deselected (the pointer returns). Crosshair Tool should always stay on, until turned off.

    Also since TV's Crosshair is just a visual aid rather than a measuring tool, and since we don't have the shift+click+drag measuring, we cannot measure anything right now.
Note: I can't wait for the dark theme implementation because light theme burns my retinas. :shock:
Note 2: TV UI feels more fluid and snappy, which is great! I hope it stays this way.
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Re: [TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by NakedMarkets »


Thanks for your comments about the TV UI and your reporting.
However, in your list, there is only 1-2 bugs, others items are feature requests.

Let's review the list :
1. You're right, there was a refresh issue of the form. This is now fixed (next update).

2. We are not able to reproduce the issue. Here is a video where we show how it's working and all the objects handle disappear as expected.
Could you check on your side if this issue appears always or if it's in some specific cases ?

3. Yes, we are aware of that. As explained in the update post, the TV UI is not yet finished. There is no "right margin" option at the moment. As you can see there is no navigation buttons neither. It will come in the next TV related releases. So this is not a bug,

4. The time axis of the chart is not wrong. The date and hour are right. By default, under NakedMarkets the format is 24H not 12H, no matter the UI Theme. The options "Time hours format" and "day of the week" have an effect, it changes the Crosshair date only at the moment. It will be the case for all dates in the future, as previously explained.

5. Again, it's not a bug, the Crosshair works as expected. You can deactivate it by clicking again on the same button. This is a temporary situation where we implemented a compromise because there will be the same menu like under TV, where you can choose the cross, the dot or the cursor. We wanted to let the users play with it even if the feature is not fully completed.
You're right, in this temporary situation the crosshair is not very useful but it will be when we will implement the measuring tools.

We try to do our best to satisfy every users by implementing TV UI Theme but other items too. So, we prefer to implement the TV UI Theme gradually. Thanks for your understanding

Note 1 : We are actively working on it. This week we will release an update to fix the latest bugs (reported on the forum) and we'll try to release the color themes next week.
Note 2 : Yes, in fact we optimized the charting display process in the last update. This should be more fluid for both UI Themes.
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Re: [TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by Khan »

Technically you are correct; some of the items listed weren't bugs per se, but since you are aiming for TV feature parity (where it makes sense), they can be considered bugs from that perspective. Since I don't know your exact plans, I can't classify the things I see as you would. I hope you don't mind.

Thank you for the bug fixes.

Re 2: I'll post a video showing the bug.
Re 3: TV doesn't use a fixed right margin though, and that was the point I was trying to make. Regardless, I'll wait for the progress done on the TV UI.
Re 4: Time axis is not wrong, but the formatting kinda is, because I can't tell whether it is 05:00 in the morning or 17:00 in the afternoon. I have to look at bottom right to see the correct formatting and understand where I am during the day. Mind you, I'm using a 4K monitor and the bottom right is faaar away for me.
time_format.png (83.57 KiB) Viewed 1621 times
I don't get why the time axis says 9:15, rather than 21:15.

Re 5: EDIT: Ignore this item. Zooming in/out also disables the crosshair, so it is not really usable right now. You will eventually look at it anyway.

I understand that implementing TV UI fully will take time, no worries.

Re Note 1: I know, thank you.
Re Note 2: Indeed, interactions with the chart are very fast right now. I'm in the middle of a new backtest and I'll report any performance problems if I happen to encounter any. You didn't mention these performance upgrades anywhere in the latest upgrade post, so I didn't know. :D
Last edited by Khan on Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by Khan »

Re 2: Attached you can find the video showing the handle bug regarding overlapping chart objects.

In the video, I play around with the chart objects so that you can see weird interactions happening. As you can see, if you have overlapping chart objects, other objects' handles don't disappear when the cursor moves away.

These are important timestamps:
00:05: I hover over the diagonal line segment, but I don't click on it. Its handles are visible and they stay visible after I move the cursor away, probably because I go over the line at the bottom first.
00:06: I click on the fibo object and you can see that it is selected (handles are bolder), but the diagonal line segment's handles are still visible and they don't go away.
00:20: I hover on the bottom line and it handles stay visible after I move my cursor away. This is again probably because I go over the fibo object.
00:22: I move my cursor away from the bottom line downwards, but the handles still stay visible.
00:25: I select the fibo object, but since its bottom handle is on top of the bottom line, the bottom line's handles stay visible.
00:35: I click on the fibo object's upper handle, both top and bottom lines' handles stay visible. I adjust the fibo object by dragging the mouse, the handles of both lines are still visible.
Naked Markets - EURUSD - [EURUSD,M5] 2023-04-25 19-16-53.zip
(9.19 MiB) Downloaded 130 times
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Re: [TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by NakedMarkets »

Thanks a lot Khan for your complete feedback, this is valuable for us, we will check all of this in depth !
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Re: [TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by Khan »

My pleasure!

Giving proper bug reports is essential if we expect them to be fixed.
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Re: [TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by NakedMarkets »

Since we only consider the select graphical object under TradingView UI Theme issue as a bug, we fixed it in the latest release.
Apparently, this bug occured when the cursor was hovering and overlapping 2 different objects in specific cases, that's why we were not able initially to reproduce it. Thanks for your help !

As explained previously, the other items will be included in the next TradingView UI Theme since it's not yet over.
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Re: [TradingView] Multiple Bugs

Post by Khan »

You are welcome!

The bug seems to be gone with the latest release; thank you.
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