Trades List Editing

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Posts: 19
Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:55 pm

Trades List Editing

Post by dboanca62 »

Any chance to add option to edit trade list in statistics ?
I can't implement my strategy 100% so I like to be able to edit from statistics, my trades list (to delete unwanted trades)
Or if this is not possible, than can have an option to check last closed trade if was a win or loss ?
(back to my old Q about new parameters- able to define LastTrade=true/false based on win/loss result)
I will try with an example:
If may last trade was a win, want to continue with current buy/sell rules
If my last trade was a loss, I only want to take next trade as opposite (if lost a buy order, next can only be a sell order...lost a sell order, next only a buy order)
Thank you !
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Re: Trades List Editing

Post by NakedMarkets »

Thanks for your suggestion,
We could implement edition from statistics, however as we understand this is a workaround for you in this use-case,
A temporary solution for you, could be to export your trade history to CSV files, remove the unwanted trades and import the CSV back to the stat center,
But we think it is possible to add a rule to check if the last trader was a winner or a loser. But could you confirm that you are talking about rules here ?
Posts: 19
Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:55 pm

Re: Trades List Editing

Post by dboanca62 »

yes, about rules
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